Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Delphi Video Training - Object Pascal

Step-By-Step Delphi & Object Pascal Training

This 6-DVD Delphi Video Training covers the Delphi programming language step-by-step, focusing on the use of Object Pascal in object-oriented programming with Delphi (Delphi OOP) .
To quote one of our students, "Delphi must be the easiest programming language." How quickly you learn it is, of course, dependent on you. It is a very powerful language and mastering it will take time, depending on your background and experience.
Whether you are an absolute beginner or a more seasoned Delphi developer, you will benefit from this Delphi Pascal video series. It will walk you through the Object Pascal language step-by-step. You will find enough theory to build your knowledge and understanding of the Delphi programming language. And, you will learn by doing through the multiple examples built step-by-step in front of you.
Every Delphi CBT DVD includes a quiz at the end to test your Delphi and Pascal knowledge. And every Delphi DVD focuses on object-oriented programming. You will learn Delphi OOP from the ground up with an emphasis on using Delphi Pascal to build systems that are object oriented, creating re-usable code that is efficient and powerful.

For more information about Online Delphi Training:
Krikor Mnatzaganian
Founder & President
Website: http://www.onlinedelphitraining.com/

Call: +1 (678) 921-0644

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Delphi Training - Free online video

Sometimes we need to get a taste of what we want to buy. Now you can get a "taste" of the Delphi CBT Video Training that covers the Delphi Object Pascal language.

This Delphi training video is made up of a set of 6 DVDs that cover the Delphi Object Pascal language from the ground up. If you are new to Delphi and to the Pascal object oriented language, then this is a great way for you to get started. You can learn step-by-step and move at your own pace.

The free 23-minute excerpt goes over data type range checking in Delphi, a basic and beginner topic, but one that is very important to understand. You can watch it online at: Delphi video training.

To order the Delphi CBT, go to: Delphi CBT Details.

For more information about Delphi Training:
Krikor Mnatzaganian
Founder & President
Website: http://www.onlinedelphitraining.com/

Tel: +1 (678) 921-0644

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Object Pascal & Delphi CBT

OnlineDelphiTraining.com will be releasing its Delphi CBT Video Training Series on April 20, 2009.

This DVD Delphi Video series covers the Delphi programming language step-by-step, focusing on the use of Object Pascal in object-oriented programming with Delphi (Delphi OOP) .

Whether you are an absolute beginner or a more seasoned Delphi developer, you will benefit from this Delphi Pascal video series. It will walk you through the Object Pascal language step-by-step. You will find enough theory to build your knowledge and understanding of the Delphi programming language. And, you will learn by doing through the multiple examples built step-by-step in front of you.

Every Delphi CBT DVD includes a quiz at the end to test your Delphi and Pascal knowledge. And every Delphi DVD focuses on object-oriented programming. You will learn Delphi OOP from the ground up with an emphasis on using Delphi Pascal to build systems that are object oriented, creating re-usable code that is efficient and powerful.

For a limited time only, the entire series (a total of 6 DVDs) can be purchased for the introductory price of $399.

For more information, and to place an order, go to: Delphi CBT Video Training.

For more information about Online Delphi Training:

Krikor Mnatzaganian
Founder & President
Website: http://www.onlinedelphitraining.com/

Phone: +1 (678) 921-0644

Monday, February 25, 2008

Working With BLOBs in Delphi

"BLOB" is an acronym that stands for Large Binary Object, which is a collection of binary data stored in a data field in a database that supports this functionality.

BLOBs are usually used to hold digitized multimedia content such as images, sound clips and videos. However, they can also be used to hold other types of data, such as executables, zip files, code and documents.

This example will show you how you can use Delphi to store BLOBs in a database and restore them to disk on demand.

Full explanation and source code: How To Use BLOBs in Delphi

For more information about Online Delphi Training:

Krikor Mnatzaganian
Founder & President
Website: http://www.onlinedelphitraining.com/
Phone: +1 (678) 921-0644
Email: info@onlinedelphitraining.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Delphi File Management Routines

Delphi comes with a number of routines, defined in the SysUtils Unit, to help you work with files.

In this example, I will go over some common routines and some less known ones. I will cover how to:
  • Read and change File Date and Time Stamps
  • Access and change the File Attributes (Example: Make a file read-only or hidden)
  • Extract the File Name from a path
  • Extract the Directory from a path
  • Extract and change the File Extension
  • Rename and move files
  • Determine and change the current active directory
  • Delete a file
  • Test for a valid file or directory
  • Search for files (or partial file names) recursively from a given path
  • Determine the Date and Time for:
    • When a file was created
    • When a file was last accessed
    • When a file was last updated
  • Use recursive coding
  • Use while-you-wait animation
To read the full explanation and download the accompanying code, click on:

How To Manage Your Files With Delphi

For more information about Online Delphi Training:
Krikor Mnatzaganian
Founder & President
Website: http://www.onlinedelphitraining.com/
Tel: +1 (678) 921-0644
Email: info@onlinedelphitraining.com

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Web Services With Delphi

Web Services With Delphi - Introduction

Web services are application blocks that can be published online, and made available to the rest of the world for consumption. Instead of reinventing the wheel and recreating the same solution by multiple organizations, these organizations can access and use a prebuilt application component, and considerably speed up their development cycles.

For example, if you have a need in your application to get and analyze stock quotes, you can incorporate a prebuilt web service in your application that handles the requests and presents data that your application can then use as needed.

Web services use open protocols to allow applications to communicate. They are self-contained and self-describing and do not depend on a specific language or platform. Web services allow Windows servers to 'talk' with Unix servers, for C++ coders to use code written in Delphi or VB and vice versa.

Web services depend on XML (Extensible Markup Language) to code and decode your data and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) to transport it. The Description Language (WSDL) is XML-based and it describes the web service and how to access it. The Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is a directory service that allows businesses to register and locate published web services. These primary layers form the building blocks that make up a web service. The following pyramid illustrates the main areas:

Online Delphi Training offers several advanced Delphi classes to teach you how to create a Web Service and to use it. As a sample, we have created a simple Delphi client that consumes an existing Web Service. To learn more, click on the following link:

How To Create A Web Service Client With Delphi

For more information about Online Delphi Training or to learn more about our consulting services:

Krikor Mnatzaganian
Website: www.OnlineDelphiTraining.com
Phone: +1 (678) 921-0644
Email: info@onlinedelphitraining.com

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Download Ninety Minutes Of
FREE Delphi Training

A Demo Of An Actual Live Training Class

"An Introduction To Creating & Calling A DLL In Delphi"
(Valued at $99)

Robert Jennings ("RJ") of Miami, FL gave us permission to record one of our Delphi training classes and to post it online as a demo of our live online training (Many thanks RJ).

RJ needed an introductory class* on how to create and call a DLL in Delphi. This class was customized for RJ. If you find the training too basic or too advanced, please keep in mind that we provide various levels of training to meet the needs of our students. A class customized for you will be based on your level and experience.

To download this FREE training session, please click on:

Free Delphi Training

For more information about Online Delphi Training:

Krikor Mnatzaganian
Managing Director Of Training
Website: www.OnlineDelphiTraining.com
Phone: +1 (678) 921-0644
Email: info@onlinedelphitraining.com

Monday, July 24, 2006

Delphi Tips: How To Create And Call A Dynamic Link Library (DLL)

Introduction To The Dynamic Link Library (DLL)

A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) is an executable file with a .DLL extension that may contain procedures, functions or resources that can be shared by multiple programs. Even if several programs call the same DLL, it is only loaded once in memory saving system resources. That is one of its major advantages.

A DLL can be used to store resources. For example, you can create a DLL of images that you can then use in your applications. Or, you can use DLLs to provide multi-lingual support for an application by creating several versions of a DLL for the various supported languages and then calling them as needed at run time.

You may have a complex application that is constantly being updated. By using DLLs in this situation, you can save your users a great deal of time and frustration. Instead of having to recompile and deploy the entire application with every new update, you can simply provide a new DLL to replace an older version. To use a DLL in this way, you must include all the methods found in the old DLL in the new version, and not change any of the original parameters.

Online Delphi Training offers customized DLL training. You can also sign up for the following classes:

This example will show you how to create and call a DLL in Delphi. To see the full explanation and code, click on:

How To Create And Call A Dynamic Link Library (DLL) in Delphi.

For more information about Online Delphi Training:

Krikor Mnatzaganian
Managing Director Of Training
Website: www.OnlineDelphiTraining.com
Phone: +1 (678) 921-0644
Email: info@onlinedelphitraining.com

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Delphi Tips: How To Use Constraints To Validate Data

One of the many things that I love about Delphi is the fact that it is a RAD (Rapid Application Development) environment. So much is prebuilt in its IDE that very little code is required to achieve certain functionalities that would require extensive coding in other languages.

Delphi is extremely powerful and versatile, especially when it comes to creating database applications. It comes ready with many components that facilitate and speed up database development.

One important aspect of database development is the validation of data. The data is validated to match the database before any data is sent to the server for posting. This ensures the compatibility of data, and reduces network traffic.

Without validation, invalid data could be sent to the server which would then reject the data and send it back to the client with a database error. When you use data validation, data entry inconsistencies or errors are trapped on the client side long before they get to the server.

This example will show you how to create data constraints in Delphi for validating data entry. To see the full explanation and code, click on:

Using Constraints To Validate Data In Delphi

For more information about Online Delphi Training:

Krikor Mnatzaganian
Managing Director Of Training
Website: www.OnlineDelphiTraining.com
Phone: +1 (678) 921-0644
Email: info@onlinedelphitraining.com

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Delphi Tips: How To Save The Position & Size Of A Form Based On A User's Preference

I sometimes get asked the question: How do you save the position and size of a given window based on a user's preference, and then use the saved settings next time you open the window?

The solution to this problem is quite simple. First, you must decide how to save the settings. The three most common ways are:

  1. Use an INI File - Typically one user per computer
  2. Use the Windows Registry - Can be for a single user, or for multiple users with different accounts sharing the same computer
  3. Use a database table - Client/Server environmnet where one user can use any networked computer

I will only cover the first method - the use of an INI file to save the settings. The concept is the same for all three:

When the window is opened, check to see if you should load any saved settings and if they had been saved. If so, use the settings to display the window. Otherwise, load the default window settings (design settings). Before closing the window, check to see if you should save any settings. If so, save the settings and exit.

To see the full explanation and code, click on:

How To Save A Window's Size & Position In Delphi

For more information about Online Delphi Training:

Krikor Mnatzaganian
Managing Director Of Training
Website: www.OnlineDelphiTraining.com
Phone: +1 (678) 921-0644
Email: info@onlinedelphitraining.com