Thursday, July 20, 2006

Delphi Tips: How To Use Constraints To Validate Data

One of the many things that I love about Delphi is the fact that it is a RAD (Rapid Application Development) environment. So much is prebuilt in its IDE that very little code is required to achieve certain functionalities that would require extensive coding in other languages.

Delphi is extremely powerful and versatile, especially when it comes to creating database applications. It comes ready with many components that facilitate and speed up database development.

One important aspect of database development is the validation of data. The data is validated to match the database before any data is sent to the server for posting. This ensures the compatibility of data, and reduces network traffic.

Without validation, invalid data could be sent to the server which would then reject the data and send it back to the client with a database error. When you use data validation, data entry inconsistencies or errors are trapped on the client side long before they get to the server.

This example will show you how to create data constraints in Delphi for validating data entry. To see the full explanation and code, click on:

Using Constraints To Validate Data In Delphi

For more information about Online Delphi Training:

Krikor Mnatzaganian
Managing Director Of Training
Phone: +1 (678) 921-0644

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